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Noodle dishes of the world?|Laksa・Hokken Prawn Mee・Bammy noodles・Udon

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#gourmet #Noodle #Sightseeing

”Planet of Food”は



制作:島津秀泰(Hideyasu Shimazu)、Kenichi Iwabuchi


アライグマ・・・Cydonie Brown(シドニーさん)青森県にある三沢基地の海軍で3年勤務の経験を持つ。大阪の道頓堀で暮らしていた時期があり、日本の在住歴は14年。現在は、アメリカ コネチカット州在住。普段、料理はあまりせず、旦那様が主夫をされています。

ネコ・・・Madoka Kamiyama(マドカさん)東京都生まれ。小さい時からモノ作りの楽しさに魅了され、米国の大学にて工業デザイン学科を勉強し卒業。その後ニューヨークにてインテリア設計事務所、Herman Millerの社員として東京、シンガポールにて勤務。現在はシンガポールにて屋台で食べる「楽しさ」にはまっている。プライベートでは8歳の娘、夫はアメリカ国籍の日系ペルー人と愛犬とで暮らす。

シャム猫・・・Kanako Tahara(カナコさん)千葉県船橋市生まれ。大学卒業後、横浜で留学エージェント/カウンセラーとして勤務。激務で体調を壊しオーストラリア勤務の夢を逃す。学生の頃、留学先で出会った主人と結婚後は大阪四條畷市に8年、千葉県市川市に4年間住み、現在はタイバンコクに駐在妻として滞在約2年半。2013年ドイツ3ヶ月間の滞在中に自分の会社起業に向けて、新規提携先となる機関へ当時4歳と2歳の娘を連れて契約を結び歩く。2014年念願の留学エージェントを起業し「Welt留学サポート」として活動スタート。異国の文化を知ることが大好きでホームステイなども積極的に受け入れている。

"Planet of Food
Planet of Food" is a project that invites three housewives who live in various parts of the world to share information about food and deliver cross-cultural exchange. Planet of Food" is a project that invites three housewives who live in various parts of the world to share information about food and deliver cross-cultural exchange.

Twitter: @PlanetofFood1

BGM: "MusMus

Production: Hideyasu Shimazu, Kenichi Iwabuchi

The theme of this talk
My favorite noodle dish.

<This time's performers
Cydonie Brown, a raccoon who served in the Navy at Misawa Air Base in Aomori Prefecture for three years. She lived in Dotonbori, Osaka for a while and has been living in Japan for 14 years. She currently lives in Connecticut, USA. She doesn't cook much, and her husband is a homemaker.

Cat・・・Madoka Kamiyama is from Tokyo, Japan. From a younger age, she’s always been fascinated by product design. She graduated from Industrial Design in USA. She worked as Designer/Specifier at Interior design firms in New York City and also with Herman Miller in Tokyo and Singapore. Currently, she lives with her wonderful family, an 8 year old daughter and supportive husband who is Peruvian/Japanese American and a rescued dog.

White Cat・・・Kanako Tahara (Kanako) was born in Funabashi, Chiba Prefecture. After graduating from university, she worked as a study abroad agent/counselor in Yokohama. After graduating from university, she worked as a study abroad agent/counselor in Yokohama, but she fell ill and missed her dream of working in Australia due to hard work. After marrying my husband, whom she met while studying abroad as a student, we lived in Shijonawate, Osaka for 8 years, Ichikawa, Chiba for 4 years, and now I am living in Bangkok, Thailand as an expatriate wife for about 2.5 years. In 2014, she started her dream of becoming a study abroad agent and started working as "Welt Study Abroad Support". She loves to learn about other cultures and actively accepts homestays.

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