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Cold Winter Day? Russian Meatball Soup Remedy. (Суп с Фрикадельками)

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Добавлено by Admin В Горячие супы
162 Просмотры


Russian Meatball Soup or as we call in Russian, Суп с Фрикадельками is very fast to prepare. It is perfect for a cold winter evening. Quick to prepare and very delicious. It calls for a few basic root vegetables and some ground meat ( pork, beef, chicken, turkeys, etc.). The whole process is about 35-40 minutes long, that is pretty amazing! While the vegetables are peeled, boils about 3 quarts of water.
3 quarts of boiling water
1 lb. ground meat
4 small potatoes
2 onions
2 small carrots
3 small celery sticks
1-2 bay leaves
2-3 small cloves of garlic
small bunch of fresh herbs of choice (dill and parley are common)
salt and pepper to taste.
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